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All About Commissions

Shopee Affiliate Commission Rates
How Commissions are Allocated to You
Earning Additional Commission – Commissions XTRA Program
Additional Incentives – Monthly Challenges

Free Sample

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Best Practices

Maximize your earnings through Commissions XTRA by applying some of our best practices.

Best Practice 1: Weekly Refresh

Check out weekly refresh of Commissions XTRA featured sellers and products via Commissions XTRA Page and Viber Weekly Announcement.

Best Practice 2: Commissions XTRA Page

Access the Commissions XTRA Page as seen in the image on the right by clicking the banner in the Affiliate Program section, under the “Me” tab

Commissions XTRA Page: Learn about commissions XTRA and see featured Sellers and products

Visit at: https://shopee.ph/m/commissions-xtra

Best Practice 3: Free Samples

Use the Comms XTRA Filter when searching for trending products to find the items labeled under this. When you’ve found the items you want to promote, note that there are some that provide free samples, when you request from the seller.

This way, you can have a more informed opinion when promoting these products to your followers!

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