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Paid Partnership Program

Introduction to Paid Partnership Program
How to Navigate the Paid Partnership Program
Cancellations & Disputes
Best Practices & FAQs
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Request Project Cancellation

  1. Cancellations can be made during the “Unpaid”, “To Ship”, “To Receive”, and “To Publish” stages
  2. Cancellation requests may be submitted using “Cancel Project” at the bottom of project details
  3. Indicate the reason why the project needs to be cancelled
  4. Cancellation requests require approval from seller.
  5. Cancellations may be withdrawn before the seller has approved or rejected the request
  6. Rejected cancellations require disputes to be raised
  7. Cancellations may also be raised by the seller and require approval.
  8. Use “Reject Cancellation” to reject the request and raise a dispute
  9. Use “Accept Cancellation” to accept the request and cancel the project
  10. Cancelled projects are terminated immediately and are irreversible

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