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Other FAQs related to Tours & Attractions

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Q: When will I receive my booking confirmation?

A: For activities with instant confirmation: You will receive booking confirmation (PDF file) via email within 5 minutes of making your booking.

For activities without instant confirmation: You will receive your booking confirmation via email within 3-4 hours of booking completion when booked from 8AM-5PM. The confirmation will be received on the next business day when booked outside these hours.

You may also check your Shopee application in the Order Details Page and select View to check your e-ticket.

Q: Can I book an activity on behalf of someone else?

A: Yes. Ensure to provide the details of the one you are looking for when filling up the customer details section when booking the ticket.

Please take note that some Shopee tickets are non-transferable and can only be used by the person whose details are indicated upon purchase. Please make sure that you've input the correct guest details when making your booking.

Q: What can I do if I haven't received my booking confirmation email?

A: Check your email spam/junk folder in case your spam filter has accidentally caught the booking confirmation email. Search for “tickets.id@shopee.com” or a keyword in junk/spam mail.

If you are still unable to find your booking confirmation email, get in touch with our customer support agents through your > select your booking > "Chat with us".

Q: How can I use the e-ticket (for applicable events/tours/attractions) to enter the event, attraction, or tour I booked?

A: You can print or open the e-ticket (if applicable) from your phone and show it at the entrance or the person in charge to process it during the event/attraction/tour. You can only redeem the ticket during your chosen booked date and time of the ticket.

Q: Can I use Voucher or Shopee coins to redeem?

A: Yes, you can use any applicable voucher and spend Shopee coins at checkout.

Q: What happens if I am already at the event/tour/attraction but have an issue entering (e.g. Not acknowledging booking, etc.)?

A: Please contact Shopee’s customer support team immediately if you are having any issues.

Q: What to do when an event is canceled by organizers?

A: Merchant Partner will inform Shopee of any events canceled and orders affected. Our customer support team will get in touch with all affected users via email.

Q: Can I transfer my tickets to someone else?

A: Please take note that some Shopee tickets are non-transferable and can only be used by the person whose details are indicated upon purchase. Please make sure that you've input the correct guest details when making your booking.

For tickets that are deemed transferable, please contact Shopee's Customer Service for any concerns, issues, and clarifications.

Q: Why is my ticket not working?

A: For any issues regarding ticket usage, please contact Shopee’s Customer Support team immediately.

Q: How do I reschedule my booking?

A: You may go to your E-Ticket in the Shopee App then select View My Bookings link to have your booking rescheduled to a different date. You may reschedule your booking if the status of the ticket is still valid before the actual date of your initial booking. Users may check the View My Bookings homepage to check if their ticket is still valid for reschedule. If it isn’t valid for rescheduling, users won’t be able to reschedule their ticket.

For a smooth rescheduling process, please reschedule your booking 2-3 days before the actual date of your initial booking.

Learn more about Tours & Attractions.
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