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Reward Programs

How will I know my current Loyalty Tier for the Shopee Loyalty Program?

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The program has two cycles: January 1 to June 30 and July 1 to December 31. The total number of completed orders in each 6-month cycle will determine the loyalty tier in the next. The refresh happens every January 1 and July 1.


Suppose you reach the minimum number of completed orders needed to upgrade to the next tier during a cycle. In that case, you will be upgraded immediately upon order completion during the current cycle and maintain this status until the end of the next cycle.  


The corresponding orders will determine your Loyalty Tier: 

Loyalty Tier

Corresponding orders


Less than 10 completed orders


Minimum of 10 completed orders


Minimum of 25 completed orders


Minimum of 55 completed orders

⚠️ Note

The completed order is equivalent to the order received.


Shopee loyalty program 4 tiers.png



If you reach a total of 55 completed orders in March 2023 (Current cycle: Jan 1 - June 30), you will automatically upgrade to Platinum in March and will remain in this tier until 31, December 2023 (Next cycle: July 1st - Dec 31). Platinum status expires on Dec 31, 2023, if the min. of 55 orders is not achieved from July 1-Dec 31.

Tier Refresh Schedule.png

Learn more about Shopee Loyalty Program.

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