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Spam, Fraud, and Blacklist Guidelines


To avoid being flagged as fraud, ensure to NOT do any of the following actions while being a part of the Shopee Affiliate Program.

1. Affiliate link product that does not match your post’s content 

Clickbait posts & posts about illegal activities, gambling, and obscene material are also prohibited.

2. Daily affiliate link spamming

If link sharing through social media, chat groups, and/or community groups is more than 30 per day.

3. Posting of affiliate links on inappropriate channels Including torrent/streaming sites, other KOL/Shopee Brand/Sellers social accounts as comments/posts to hijack traffic, email ads pretending to be a Shopee Official.

4. Using your own affiliate links for personal purchases

Family members in the same household are also not allowed to use your affiliate link for their purchases.


1. What are the items prohibited for Shopee affiliates to promote?

Please take note of the below list of prohibited items and shops that you should NOT promote. Any purchase of these items is NOT eligible for affiliate commission:

  1. Weapons
  2. Cigarettes/e-cigarettes/vapes
  3. Counterfeit goods
  4. All kinds of milk formula

2. What if I promoted a prohibited item unknowingly?

You may be required to remove the content. Prohibited item orders will not be eligible for affiliate commission. 

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