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How do I filter my Hotel search results?

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On the search results page, you can filter your hotel search by selecting the filter depending on your desired options (e.g Hotel Star Rating, Guest Review Score, and Property Type).



You can also sort the hotels by popularity, price, and top guest ratings.



To look for hotels that only provide free breakfast, wifi, or cancellations, you can select Free Cancellation, Breakfast Included, and/or "Free Wifi" labels to filter the results to your liking.



After picking your preferred hotel from the search results, tap on it to view its details. Look for labels indicating rooms with free breakfast, wifi, or cancellations. Scroll down to find the 'Hotel Facilities' section for more info on what the hotel offers.



Once you have reached the end of the page containing other information about the hotel, you can go back to choosing your preferred room by selecting the Go To Room Selection button.




⚠️ Note

Each available room type will display available information such as bed type and the maximum number of guests per room.

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