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Other FAQs related to Free Shipping Discount Voucher

Para sa Taglish version ng article, basahin  dito.

Q: How can I apply the Free Shipping Discount Voucher upon checkout?

A: Your Shipping Discount Voucher will be pre-selected at Checkout. Choose a discount voucher and select 'OK'. Learn more about using your Free Shipping Discount voucher.


Q: How can I view Free Shipping Discount Vouchers in 'My Vouchers'?

A: All saved vouchers will be visible under My Vouchers. Learn more about My Vouchers.


Q: How many Free Shipping Discount Vouchers can I apply per checkout?

A: You can apply only one Free Shipping Discount Voucher within a single checkout but the shipping discount can be applied for multiple orders that fulfill the free shipping requirements.


Q: Can I use a Free Shipping Discount Voucher with other discount vouchers?

A: Free Shipping Discount Vouchers can be used with Shop Vouchers ONLY.


Q: Do I need to apply for a Free Shipping Discount Voucher for Seller Logistic Promotions?

A: No, you don't need to apply for a Free Shipping Discount voucher to enjoy the seller's logistic promotions.


Q: If my order was RTS, would I be able to get back my Free Shipping Discount Voucher?

A: The applied Free Shipping Discount Voucher in your order will be returned to you as long as it has yet to expire.


Q: If my order was canceled, would I be able to get back my  Free Shipping Discount Voucher?

A: Yes, the Free Shipping Discount Voucher will be returned to you if either you or your seller cancels the order.

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