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Why is my order returned to the seller (RTS)? (ENG)

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Your order is returned to the seller due to the following reasons:

  1. Wrong or incomplete delivery address or out of the delivery zone. Learn how to update your delivery address here.
  2. The consignee is unknown.
  3. The item is prohibited/restricted. 
  4. The parcel was damaged during transit.
  5. There could be customs issue/s (for overseas orders). 
  6. Failed to receive your order on the second delivery attempt or refused to accept the delivery on the first delivery attempt.


⚠️ Note

• If your order is tagged as RTS, then it will not be applicable for a redelivery request. Since orders are returned back to the seller.

• If your order is Paid or Non-COD, you will receive a refund once the parcel has been successfully returned to the seller. You can choose to repurchase the item.

• If your order is via COD, wait for the order to be tagged as cancel before repurchasing the item to avoid multiple orders of the same item.

Not all couriers will send an SMS or call before delivering the parcel, kindly track your delivery via the App. For more information/concerns about the courier, you may contact Shopee Supported Logistics.

To know more about the RTS timeline, kindly see the table below.

Return to Seller (RTS) order will arrive depending on the origin and destination of the order.

Return Lead time (Day 0 - Returned Initiated Date)

Lead time during working days

Destination (Seller)

Metro Manila






Metro Manila

7-10 days

15-18 days

15-18 days

15-18 days


10-13 days

10-13 days

14-17 days

14-17 days


14-17 days

14-17 days

10-13 days

14-17 days


14-17 days

14-17 days

14-17 days

10-13 days



8-11 days

⚠️ Note

Intra-province is the location within the main geographical areas – Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. 

Example: Cebu to Cebu is an intra-province


Learn more about payment refunds and what will happen when the seller fails to receive the RTS delivery.

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