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Why is my product review removed? (ENG)

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Prevent your product review from being removed, by avoiding the following items listed below. 


1. Contains personal information


  • Contains both your personal information and the other party’s personal information
  • Showing off an image with an airwaybill (AWB) that contains personal information
  • Includes account information on social media and external websites 


2Not relevant to the product or service provided by the seller


  • Repetitive words, phrases, symbols, emojis
  • Random text not related to purchase experience
  • Image contains graphics, body gestures, blank content only
  • Video has no product or black screen only
  • Video contains animation, confusing objects, or motion blur only


3. Abusive, vulgar, or otherwise objectionable. Insulting or derogatory comments towards the seller (even if the seller or buyer is at fault)


  • Cursing or swear words/emojis regardless of a positive or negative feedback
  • Offensive or hateful language directed to any person
  • Stating that the other party is a scammer or bogus buyer
  • With an intention to harass, threaten, or embarrass the other party


4. Excessively explicit content that promotes pornography or nudity


  • The review contains text, symbol, image, or video that refers to sex or bodily functions

⚠️ Note

• Make sure that your review is honest and relevant to give other users helpful information about the product before making a purchase. Use respectful language (even if the seller is at fault) at all times.  Learn more about rating and reviewing a product.

• Deleting of rating/review is not allowed. Instead, you can edit the review/rating only once within 30 days.


Your product review is removed due to irrelevant or inappropriate comments. The awarded Shopee Coins may also be removed if you received this notification below:



 product review removed_2_used.pngproduct review removed_1_used.png


Once you have submitted a review, you can no longer manually delete it. Instead, you can edit it within 30 days of submitting your review.





Learn more about what you can do to prevent the removal of your product review


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