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Customer Protection Guidelines (ENG)

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In accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, here are the Shopee’s Customer Protection Guidelines:


Personal and Sensitive Information

Know the difference between your personal and sensitive information


Personal Information

Sensitive Information

The identity of an individual is apparent or can directly identify an individual.

Identifiable data that if disclosed and processed unlawfully, could impact data subject’s rights and freedom

  • Name
  • Address
  • Place of work
  • Telephone number
  • Gender
  • Location of an individual at a particular time
  • IP Address
  • Birth Month and Day
  • Birthplace
  • Country of citizenship
  • Race
  • Ethnic Origin
  • Marital Status
  • Age
  • Color
  • Religion, Philosophical or Political Affiliation
  • Education
  • Health
  • Genetic or Sexual Life
  • Government Issued Identifiers (TIN, SSS)
  • Bank and credit/debit card number
  • Tax Returns



Data Subject

Identifies the person or people that the data relates to


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Data Subject Rights


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Consent from the Data Subject


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Penalties and Liabilities









Unauthorized processing

1 - 3

3 - 6

500K - 2M

500K - 4M

Accessing due to negligence

1 - 3

3 - 6

500K - 2

500K - 4M

Improper disposal

6 mos - 2

1 - 3

100K - 500K

100K - 1M

Processing for unauthorized purposes

1.5 - 5

2 - 7

500K - 1M

500K - 2M

Unauthorized disclosure

1 - 3

3 - 5

500K - 1M

1M - 5M

Concealment of security breaches


1.5 - 5


500K - 1M

Unauthorized access or intentional breach

1 - 3

500K - 2M

Malicious disclosure

1.5 - 5

500K - 1M

Combination or series of acts

3 - 6

1M - 5M


Examples of Penalties:


  1. Unauthorized Processing are unconsented calls, threats, text messaging, etc.


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  1. Improper disposal of documents, air waybill, and other sensitive information.


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  1. Unauthorized disclosure is the unintended inclusion of people in the email loop, exposure of personal information, report, etc.


  Customer Protection Tips Ex_3.png


  1. Malicious disclosure are posting on social media, bashing the customer, etc that can ruin or defame a person, sensitive item content should not be added to the packaging.


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  1. Combination or series of acts 


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Penalties to Unauthorized Use and Disclosure of Personal and Sensitive  Information


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Reminders on Terms of Service


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Learn more about Shopee’s Terms of Service.

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