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Returns & Refunds

Raising requests

What are supporting documents required during a dispute in Return/Refund?

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1. Non-receipt Claim

The burden of proof is on the seller only.


When the buyer claims that he/she has not received the product(s) and raises a non-receipt claim, the payment will be held by Shopee. If the seller can provide valid shipping proof, the buyer’s request will be denied. The dispute will only be raised if the seller rejects the claim via the “Submit Dispute to Shopee” function. Shopee will gather the supporting documents from the seller.


Supporting documents from the seller:

  • Formal shipping proof (i.e. delivery receipt and tracking number if any).

  • Photo of the parcel package/information, including information on the delivery company, tracking number, seller’s and buyer’s name, contact number, and shipping address.

  • Chat history or any other evidence showing prior negotiation.



2. Normal Returns Disputes


a) Seller does not agree with the return request

The burden of proof is on the buyer only.


When the buyer receives his/her product(s) in a different condition (i.e. damaged/faulty or significantly different from the seller’s description), the payment will be held by Shopee. The buyer will have to produce a photo and/or video evidence that visibly shows the reason for the refund. The dispute will only be raised if the seller does not agree with the return using the “Submit Dispute to Shopee” function. Shopee will gather the supporting documents from the buyer.


Supporting documents from the buyer:

  • Photos of the product(s) showing areas that are damaged and/or wrong.

  • Proof of attempt to resolve with the seller (i.e. chat history).

  • Chat history or any other evidence showing prior negotiation.

b) Seller agrees with the return request but did not receive the product(s)

The burden of proof is on the buyer only.


If both buyer and seller agree on a return request and the seller claims the product(s) was not received, the buyer will need to provide valid shipping proof to get a refund.


Supporting documents from the buyer:

  • Formal shipping proof (i.e. delivery receipt and tracking number if any).

  • Photo of the parcel package/information, including information on the delivery company, tracking number, seller’s and buyer’s name, contact number, and shipping address.

  • Chat history or any other evidence showing prior negotiation.



3. Change of Mind Disputes


a) Seller does not agree with the return request

The burden of proof is on the buyer only.


When the buyer receives his/her product(s), the payment will be held by Shopee. The buyer could produce a photo and/or video evidence that visibly shows the product is in its original quality and quantity. The dispute will only be raised if the seller does not agree with the return using the “Submit Dispute to Shopee” function. Shopee will gather the supporting documents from the buyer.


Supporting documents from the buyer:

  • Photos and/or videos of that product(s) showing the product in its original quality and quantity just before packaging for returns.

  • Photos and/or videos of the product(s) packed in the returns package.

b) Seller agrees with the return request but did not receive the product(s)

The burden of proof is on the buyer only.


If both buyer and seller agree on a return request and the seller claims the product(s) was not received, the buyer will need to provide valid shipping proof to get a refund.


Supporting documents from the buyer:

  • Formal shipping proof (i.e. delivery receipt and tracking number if any).

  • Photo of the parcel package/information, including information of the delivery company, tracking number, seller’s and buyer’s name, contact number, and shipping address.

  • Chat history or any other evidence showing prior negotiation.

4. Additional Information


a) Lost Mail

Shopee recommends sending all packages via registered mail to avoid any lost shipments. However, if there is an agreement between both parties to use normal mail, don’t forget to keep your shipping receipt in case of a non-receipt claim.


Kindly note that any prior agreements will be honored. For instance, if the seller agrees to use registered mail but opts for normal mail instead, the seller will be responsible for the lost mail. The buyer will be refunded the full amount even if the seller can provide valid delivery proof.

b) Evidence Quality

Whether you are the buyer or seller, the quality of your evidence has to be clear. Once a dispute has been raised, you will only have 24 hours to submit your evidence or the payment will be released to the winning party. In any case, if the evidence collected is not visible, Shopee will give you notice that it will not be accepted. You will have an additional 24 hours to provide new evidence or Shopee will release the payment held by Shopee.


*The number of days can differ from market to market.

c) Return Shipping Cost

Returns arranged in-app either through Drop Off (via J&T Express) are free of charge. 


For Self-Arranged returns, the buyer will have to pay for the shipping fee first and will be reimbursed together with the refund if the return is accepted by the seller. 



Learn more about raising a return and refund request.

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